I’m going to try writing a WordPress Plugin.
Why? To see if I can.
What problem this is going to solve in these turbulent times? I’m afraid I can’t really say it is going to do anything that hasn’t already been done. I just want a plugin that I can show what book, or books, I am currently reading. Maybe put up a review of what I thought of them etc.. Nothing ground breaking.
I’ve already experimented with writing a few experimental plugins, and I think this might be a pretty involved project for someone who isn’t very experienced with coding. All I have done thus far is prove that I can say ‘Hello’ on the admin menu.
Stay tuned, this might be fun. Ok, maybe only a geek or part-time nerd would find this stuff fun.
I’ve already found a plugin that says it does what I want to do, but it won’t work in the newest WordPress. Here is a link to the most recent Now-Reading plugin that I know about. It just won’t finish the process of adding a book that was found in Amazon’s database. I narrowed it down to the fact that the url comes back with “.image_s” in it. Minus the “_”.
The code is so convoluted (it probably makes sense to a real programmer) that I can’t straighten out the logic.
Anyway, here I go.