Flying on Saturday

Bruce called and said he was going to try and catch a glass off at Pickle, I told him I’d go. I’m really glad he called. Thanks Bruce.

When I got there Bruce was already there, and he said the breeze had died. We stood around talking and about 5-10 minutes later a thermal started pushing wind over the main launch. This lasted about 25-30 minutes, tappered off again for about 5-10 and started over.

I didn’t need any more convincing, and neither did Bruce. We suited up and took off. I left the ridge and scratched for quite a while before making in up to launch height. We flew around for a while hitting good lift between main launch and Calbus launch. Bruce and I flew for about an hour before landing and getting everyone else going.

On my second flight I was doing about the same as the first when I hooked a nicely formed thermal over near the west launch, this took me, Bruce, Justin, and Rob for a nice ride up to around 1000′ over. I got out the camera and took some pictures and promptly fell out of the lift like a rookie.  Justin rode it out for a while longer before coming back to the ridge.

It was a lot of fun, and a really good time. Thanks again for the call Bruce.